Live Support

The fastest way to get support on GUNZ is through our help station in our Discord.

  • To make a help station ticket, join our Discord server and get verified.

  • Once you're verified, navigate to the support section and click on help station.

  • When done, you'll be prompted with the following, click on the "How can we help you?" button.

  • You'll be prompted with 3 options as shown below, choose the one which is most relevant to your issue, A ticket will be made for you where you can describe your issue.

  • To find your ticket, simply click on the hyperlink as shown below.

  • Make sure to include as many details as possible regarding your issue to ensure the fastest response and action.

The GUNZ Team will NEVER ask for your password in a ticket.

The GUNZ Team WILL ask for your username to help you with your issue, feel free to share that.